lørdag den 25. august 2012

Great days at the beach!!

Hey !!
Yesterday we got home after some really nice days at the surfside beach!!
We camped with our horsetrailer, wicht is also a kind of autocamper. It was so nice, we were chillin' at the beach,swimming,playing in the water, grillin' and in the evening we made SMORES !! -It's roasted marshmallow and a piece of chokolade between 2 honey biscuits, soooo good !!!
Yesterday we went to an agricultural show at my high school, where all the kids from agricultural class showed their animals and then there were an auction, it was really great!! And then I met a girl there, who told me that I just could find her at the school if I needed anything or at lunch or something, it was soooo great to meet her, and now I at least "know" one person at school !!
-I'll be in agricultural class too, by the way!
Scool starts at monday and I am so excited! I will probably be a Junior, but it will be totally ok because then I can have fun, or at least don't work as hard as I should, if I should be a senior!
Well,  hope y'all are good, I AM !!

søndag den 19. august 2012

Keemah & Galveston!!!

Hey alle !
Her er lige en lille update fra Texas.
I Torsdags var min hostmom og jeg ved "Keemah Boardwalk" som er et sted med en masse shops, restauranter og forlystelser ved vandet ! Vi gik rundt og kiggede lidt og spiste derefter frokost, det var super hyggeligt !!!
Derefter tog  vi til Galveston som er en Texansk oe. Der var virkelig laekkert !!
Min skole starter foerst d27 i stedet for d.20 August, se i naeste uge tager vi tilbage til Galveston, og camperer ved stranden med hundene, jeg glaeder mig virkelig meget !!!
I gaer var jeg ude og shoppe toej med min hostmom, sae jeg er klar til skolestart!
Ellers har jeg vaeret ude og ride 2 gange i denne uge. Jeg stod op kl.6om morgenen for at det ikke skulle nae at blive for varmt !!
Ellers har jeg det godt og nyder endelig at vaere her !!
Hope Y`all are good too!!
 - Sarah

Hey Y`all !
Here is a little update from Texas.
Last thursday I went to Keemah Boardwalk with my hostmom. We walked around and looked at all of the shops, and then we had lunch, it was very nice !!
After that we went to Galveston Island, It was very great and beautiful there !!
My first Schoolday is moved to August 27 instead of 20th, so next week we will drive back to Galveston and camp at the beach for a few days, I'm really looking forward to that !!!
Yesterday I went shopping with my hostmom, so now I should be ready for school!!
I've been horsebackriding 2 times this week. I got up at 6am so I could ride before it got to hot !!
Then I'm just really enjoying to finally be here !!
Hope Y'all are good too !!

søndag den 12. august 2012

I'm in Texas!!

Hey there !!!
I arrived yesterday, at Houston airport, and It's great to finally be here !! It was a very long flight but It was ok, I just watched some movies and slept a lot !! in the airport i had to get through a lot of security before I could get my suitcase, but I got through !!
I really like it here!! It's so hot outside,so actually we don't go outside much. I'm starting at school August 20 so I got some days before I have to go to school and that's really nice !!
well just a short update for now, I hope you are all good !!!

-Sarah :)

søndag den 5. august 2012

Cowboy party yesterday !!!

Halløj !
Som man kan se på overskriften, så holdte vi "Afskedsfest" i går, hvor temaet var "Wild west" Så alle skulle klædes ud som cowboys ! Det var virkelig en super god dag/Aften, men dog også mærkeligt og trist at sige "farvel" til alle de skønne mennesker !!
I dag er der 6 dage til jeg rejser!! Det lyder vildt, men jeg er ikke sådan for alvor begyndt at blive nervøs.... Endnu !!!
Jeg glæder mig virkelig meget! Jeg ved at der er en masse mennesker jeg vil komme til at savne her i Danmark, men jeg ved også at det her bliver en af de største oplevelser i mit liv !!
Er så småt begyndt at pakke kufferten, og jeg er simpelthen så spændt på at komme afsted !!



Hey !
As the titel says, we had a "Godbye party" yesterday,and the theme were "wild west" so everyone had to dress up as cowboys ! I had an amazing day/evening, but it was a little wierd and of course sad to say "godbye" to all of that wonderful people !!
Today I only got 6 days left in Denmark!! It sounds crazy, but I´m actually not nervous....yet !!!
I´m so excited ! I know that there´s a lot of people here in Denmark that I´ll miss, but I know that this will be one of the greatest experiences in my life too !
I´m started to pack my suitcase, and I´m so excited to get to Texas !!
